From Planet Potato : “Paudge Connelly TD (and who the fuck is he you might ask, I hear you) has justified his salary by posing the silliest proposition heard in the Dail this year
‘Mr. Connolly: Information Zoom I propose the adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to discuss a matter of urgent public and national concern, namely, the urgent need for Internet service providers to ban websites which purport to provide an opportunity for parents, pupils and other parties to rate the performances of teachers and the serious implications such websites could have for other professionals such as doctors, nurses, gardaí and public service officials, who may be pilloried by having their professional reputations publicly compromised by disparaging comments from certain elements of the public.'”
Yes. I also believe, as any right thinking person would, that we need legislation to preempt the courts. After all, people might be making reasonable lawful commentary. But then again, they might not. Best not to take chances when, as a matter of urgent and national concern, we must ban discussion of any organised body of worker/voters.
This is dumb with a capital D. Mr. Connolly is an Independent TD from Cavan-Monaghan. As such he has no party colleague to slip him a note to suggest he stop making a fool of himself. If you are in his constituency, please help him out by doing so.