Dear Mr. McGarr
Please find attached the remaining withheld records that refer to your request made under Freedom of Information legislation for records relating to the offer by RTE to make available news inserts for INN [sic] websites.
This document was generated within RTE. It was prepared for the purposes of trying to estimate what would be the costs of procuring bandwidth which would be required if the proposal to INN got off the ground. So the figures used are projections based on information RTE obtained. Essentially it is a scenario which was developed in the event that the project happened.
As you know RTE’s proposal was not responded positively to by INN and now alternative proposals are being explored and developed with individual newspapers. In the light of this development and the passage of time and given no potential provided was identified in the document it is RTE Digital’s view that the information contained in the document is no longer commercially sensitive. This view is taken on the basis that the marketplace and technology in this area are developing rapidly and that entirely new figures would be required if a comparable scenario were required for any future offers.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Feeney
Freedom of Information Officer