Digital Rights Ireland

Data Protection Commissioner’s Annual Report 2005- A symptom of illness

As an excuse for this extended selection from the newly published Annual Report 2005 from the Data Protection Commissioner, I offer this threadbare explanation; For some years it was one of my duties to collate, collect and write the Annual Report for a State body. Since then, I think I can say I have been more closely attuned to the nuances of Annual Report writing than the average person.

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Spying Via Mobile Phone

Many of the issues raised by Digital Rights Ireland tend to be met with blank faces due to a lack of technical knowledge by those affected. And yet when you try to put things into everyday language, people tell you you're being alarmist. Well here's an absolutely true story about surveillance by mobile phones.

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Seanad Phone Tap Bill Debate

I’ve discussed this previously here and here. The Seanad Debate on Thursday touched on some of the issues I mentioned regarding the Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) Bill. The core portion of the debate from a Digital Rights point of view comes after the 12 o’clock mark.

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Image Control

One of the unexpected offshoot discussions arising from the Blog Awards was the discomfort some of those attending felt at seeing their photographs and, to a lesser extent, discussions of them in general, appearing online afterwards. What that girl, Piaras Kelly and Damien Mulley's discussion boils down to is what degree of control a person can have over how they are depicted.

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There follows a few things I wanted to let readers know, but couldn't think of enough to say about to warrant a full post. 1) Bernard, of Running with Bulls, has set up a T-Shirt shop. All the proceeds of his clothy wares are being donated to Digital Rights Ireland.

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Mutual Assitance with Phone Taps

I posted quickly about the phone tapping bill which appeared in the Seanad through the medium of Irish. Mr McDowell may as well have introduced it through the medium of modern dance, given the general populous' (and who knows maybe even Senators) ability to decrypt legislation at the best of times. However the stunt may have backfired a little.

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Number Plate Recognition system already running

Number Plate Recognition in the Irish Times Originally uploaded by Editor_Tupp. For those who didn't spot it, this article in yesterday's Motoring supplement in the Irish Times by Daniel Attwood confirms that plans for an automatic vehical number plate recognition system are already being implemented. The Local Authority, even in the little they are reported as saying here, contradict themselves.

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