Liveblog of an Oireachtas Committee Meeting
Specificically, the Sub-Committee on Ireland's Future in the European UnionCrossposted from Liveblog.
Art, media, opinion and ideas
Specificically, the Sub-Committee on Ireland's Future in the European UnionCrossposted from Liveblog.
I wake up in the dark. I get up and stagger out of bed and downstairs to prepare my son's breakfast bottle. I stand waiting for it to heat.
Come one, come all. Swing by our page on ScribbleLive and join the fun. The Rolling comments will be updated in this ScribbleLive window below.
Don't pretend you won't be watching it. Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. So come along and we'll huddle together as the real* results start coming in.
I was contacted last week by Gareth Stack, who is a thoughtful recent graduate of Trinity College Dublin. Gareth had contributed to a User Generated Content based competition by Hot New Band the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. They asked their fans to send in videos of themselves singing along to one of their songs and then cut a selection of them together.
I don’t know how many times it’s happened to me. At the McDonald’s counter, I am presented with my Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal, ketchup not included. “Could I have some ketchup, please?"The guy at the counter gives me a single sachet.
This is a rough write up of the notes I made for my talk to Podcamp Ireland on the topic of Teaching Teenagers Critical Thought and Media Literacy. My description of what I wanted to say was so maladroit that it was a great surprise to me when I actually got people coming in to hear me speak. Many thanks to all of them.
Back in November 2006, when we undertook our first Paper Round analysis, one of the very first stories I read was a front-pager, in a “quality" daily, which purported to alert the nation to the problem of employee fraud but was based entirely on quotes from a man who solved this self-same problem for a living.
7:23 PM Simon McGarr - This is much more likely to have a happy ending than Friday's pitiful attempt on the Late Late Show. Also, I've just bought the domain liveblog. ie so I hope that all these streams of mock-conscioussness will soon have a good home.
6:50 PM A first for tuppenceworth as we have a cross-blog extravaganza with Alexia Golez of golez. net . Topic: The desultory live blogging of three quarters of tonights X Factor.
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