General MVM v Grokster

Fergal has a very readable essay on the MGM v Grokster on Tuppenceworth. ie today. He explains the kinds of things that are being contested in the US Supreme Court case, and gives a bit of historical background to the previous legal decisions in the same area.

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Minor Tinkering

I've added a google search box here, which you can use to search the tuppenceworth. ie site for anything you like. It is part of the adSense set of tools, so when you do there will be ads from Google also displayed.

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Four Court Doors- Call for Objectors

As you can see in the post below I've finished drafting my objection to the alterations to the Four Courts front door. I won't rehash what I say below. But I did send around an email today, effectivly to most of my contacts (or those who are Irish, at least) alerting people to the proposal, and asking them to let me know if they would like to add their name to the objection.

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Data Retention? Look over there! Shiny Paper on a Stick!

Why is it that I don't get a coherent view of what's happening from my papers and telly? I want to see dots joined up- stories in one part of a paper make reference to related stories in another part. And I want to see a clear presentation of cause and effect- if you let x happen then Y will occur.

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